(1) If you are overweight, the risk of developing diabetes. Reduce the amount of food on the plate so you eat less and little bit begins to lose weight. Drink a glass of water or a drink without sugar before lunch to take the edge of any hunger pains.
(2) Reduce the amount of fat you eat. Barbecue food or candy instead of frying. Use low fat and the reduction of fatty meals.
(3) Controlling the glycemic index of the foods you eat - knowing what each food contains help to keep the sangre-azucar, which in turn can prevent the onset of diabetes full.
(4) Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If you can keep a bottle of water with you and enjoy frequently you will be surprised how much you drink during the day.
(5) If you feel hungry to choose a healthy snack instead of a chocolate bar.
(6) Use skim instead of milk whole in hot drinks.
(7) The exercise is good for health. But if you are not used to exercise then start sparingly. 15 minutes walk to light each day in the facility than in a regular pattern of exercises.
All these action points are also that diabetics are advised to take - if taken now that could possibly clog irreparable damage to their health.
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