1. Start with a cleansing technique is not too drastic or extreme for your condition.
2. You did not choose the techniques that are too light because it usually will not be effective. You can start with a gentle cleansing program but build up gradually.
3. If you are a woman, you do not detoxify while being pregnant in the period.
4. The budget enough time for the cleaning process takes place.
5. Do not rush to the techniques of cleaning. Plan to take things slowly.
6. Before starting the cleaning, make sure that through all the instructions and have all the necessary food to detoxify you.
7. Working with a trained health practitioner and give complete details about any health problems you are facing.
8. It is very important to decide with your health practitioner about the order in which to cleanse your body. Cleaning different parts of the body may include colon cleansing, cleansing the liver, kidney cleansing, cleansing the lungs and clean the skin. The correct order will give the results of detoxification is more effective and complete for your body.
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