Here are some tips to increase your metabolism :
1. Building on a slim my body mass.
It is natural that the metabolism decreases along with the age, but it is possible to counteract the effects. The amount of muscle a person has a very strong cause in the ability to burn calories and shed fat. So, clearly the exercise is essential. Upgrade through strength and resistance to at least two times per week, preferably with free weights. You simple exercises among workouts. Simple tasks such as walking the dog and the stairs instead of the elevator can already calories. The key to the amount of food on the amount of activity. Here are some guidelines in the proper exercise:
For strength :
- Upward you the number of repetitions of an exercise.
- The level of resistance against attached
- If possible, advance practice techniques
For cardio workout :
- Arrange you break among exercises
- Crimp you cross-training and training combine
- Add on resistance and speed
2. Eat breakfast.
A many people ignore the fact that breakfasts are the most important meal of the day. Surprisingly, those eatings the breakfast, thinner than those who do not. Significantly slow down metabolism when breakfast is taken during morning or if you wait to eat in the afternoon.
3. Avoid sugar.
Sugar can the body to store fat. It is recommended that a person food that sustained a helps even blood glucose consumed. In addition, once a week should the progressive exe Cerise 2-3 to stabilize blood sugar levels.
4. Eat spicy foods.
Kitchen with paprika metabolism increase hot.
5. More sleep.
According to studies, it is risky for people who not enough sleep to gain weight. Also, the muscles are regenerated during the last few hours of sleep.
6. Increase water absorption.
Water flushes toxins produced when the body burns fat. Majority of the bodily functions include water and lack of water causes, that the body system operations, reduce the speed, and produces unnecessary stress as a result.
7. Eat smaller meals.
It is advisable, four to six small meals, two to three hours apart time consuming.
8. Never skip meals.
People tend to skip meals to loose weight, which is a big mistake because the metabolism slows.
9. Plan meals in detail.
Getting the right amount of food consumed to edit the set intervals. Do not make the mistake to eat meals in sporadic patterns required.
10. Ditch the stress.
Stress, physical or emotional, triggers the release of a steroid cortisol called, which decreases the metabolism. Also, people tend to eat too much when stressed.
11. Drown on green tea.
It can be used as a substitute for coffee. Tea cans stimulate the metabolism, and in contrast to coffee, it has no unwanted side effects if too much is consumed.
12. Food the diet, such as fruits and vegetables, beans and whole grains contain more energy.
To achieve the desired body weight is never impossible, if the determination and patience required to stabilize the level of metabolism, which plays an important role in weight loss. A person must recognize that proper nutrition and the development is not just a flash in the pan, but a way of life.
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