1. Diets for Fast Weight Loss
Diets for fast weight loss is not recommended for the long term, there are some quick diet to help you lose five to ten pounds in a short time. This includes the low-carb diet, three-to-five-day meal replacement shakes, water or juice fasting, or fruit and vegetable diet as an alternative where you eat only fruits and vegetables the next day. This diet works very well for a quick fix but less healthy. Besides this diet very difficult to guard it in the long run.
2. Low Calorie Weight Loss Diets
There are many low calorie diet to reduce your daily calories to lose weight. Several ways to monitor your calories.
- Reading food labels and counting calories of everything you eat.
- Use calorie guides to determine how many calories in food or dishes that do not have a specific label.
- Weight Watchers provide easy counter point to calculate the points based on the calories, grams of fat, and fiber in the diet.
3. Fixed Menu plan
With the existence of fixed menu diet plan, you will be given a list of all the foods that can be eaten. Meal plans based on your needs and preferences. This type of diet can makes things easier for you when you lose weight, but in the end you need to start planning your own food again. It is a good idea to learn how to plan your meals after you've lost weight. In addition it will help you keep the weight after the diet menu still has ended.
4. Exchange Food Diet
With Exchange Food Diet, you can plan food for a set portion of some food groups. The food is determined by the intake of calories. So you can choose among foods that have the same calories to provide a variety of dining options. This diet is really good if you have just completed the diet fixed menu as it allows you to make your own food choices every day.
5. Low Fat Diet
Low fat diet with lower fat intake. These diets are lower in fat, especially saturated fats and oils for the normal rate that corresponds to the food pyramid. Fat should take about 30 percent of the calories eaten. Lowering saturated fat is useful to promote healthy weight loss and helps lower cholesterol levels to promote good health.
6. Weight loss through reduced servings
There is also a weight loss diet that only parts are reduced, but you basically eat whatever the want. You eat small portions of food that follows your stomach. When the stomach is empty, you eat slowly to feel satisfied, but not too full. You eat only when truly hungry. This type of diet gives you the freedom to choose what you want to eat, but with limits on how much can be packed. The concept is when you eat less in smaller portions, then you also eat fat and calories with every meal, no matter what the food less.
Almost all diet can work if you follow the rules, add activities or exercise and drink plenty of water. Learn from every type of diet to find one that works best for you. Before starting the diet plan should consult a doctor about the condition of your health. If you have a health condition is good, you can easily do some research online and found diet plan many free weight loss tips to help you develop a plan.
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